Some Vital Tips to Repair Spalled Concrete

Remedies for spalling are dependent on intensity of the issue, the type, and position of concrete structure, and other factors.

  • If the spalling damage is smaller than 1/3 of the thickness of the concrete, the concrete normally needs a surface repair. If the damage remains more than 1/3 of the depth, steel bars should be installed and a full depth restoration is necessary.
  • Rotten rebar, because of exposure, should be cleansed initially of the restoration method. As soon as the rebar is cleansed fully (normally with a wire brush) and all corrosion is eliminated, the rebar should be covered with a shielding coating of rust inhibitor to get rid of future erosion.
  • Damage on driveways, walkways, and other horizontal surfaces should be restored with a cementitious overlay. Once the overlay is set fully, a waterproofing membrane should be provided to avoid further spalling.
  • Patching is another useful repair option for random or localized damage. Patches should be expanded minimum four inches beyond the spalled areas. To obtain a perfect result, the surface is saw-cut in the patch area to allow contain and secure the patch.


  • Surfaces to be patched should not contain debris and fine particles and should be entirely dry prior to use patching material. It will be perfect when the old concrete surface is rough to arrange tooth for superior bonding. The best patching materials range from Portland-cement-based or epoxy and should be mixed instantly before application.